The Devil’s Calling Card

Caution – Be Alert!

On the prowl

On the prowl

The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 that the devil is our adversary, walking about like a roaring lion looking for his next victim. John 10:10 tells us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (the sheep), but that He came so that we could live an abundant life. As I was studying one day I noticed that many words that started with de- or dis- were destructive in nature. When I looked up de- and dis- in the dictionary, it really brought it to light.


(dɪs) /noun

Also called: Orcus, Pluto the Roman god of the underworld, the abode of the dead; underworld

Greek equivalent: Hades/Hell

[from the British Dictionary]


prefix forming verbs and verbal derivatives
Remove, remove from
Reverse; Do or make the opposite of
[from the British Dictionary]

*You can remember it by DMVs (like Dept. of Motor Vehicles). De- stands for “anything that will reduce, remove, reverse, and I like to add restrict!”


Here are a few words that instantly came to mind in my study. I ended up with two pages of words that started with de- or dis-. I challenge you to sit down and make your own list. It will help make you more aware of the “power behind the throne” as we say. Who is behind this kind of “destructive” behavior? It’s not that hard to figure out when he leaves his calling card!

De – 




























Overcome Evil with Good

An easy way to decipher “who” is behind something is:

God is GoOd!  He always ADDS something to your life. God adds and multiplies.

The Devil is (d)Evil!  He always SUBTRACTS something from your life. The Devil subtracts and divides.


Ephesian 6:12 New Living Translation (NLT)

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies (people*), but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. *emphasis added

James 4:7-8 Amplified Bible (AMP)

So submit* to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you. Come close to God [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you.

*Submit also mean to cooperate.


So the next time you are in a situation and recognize strife and “division” for instance, you know who is behind it. STOP! Shut it down! There is no game without you. It’s like pouring water on a fire…put it out! The devil is playing YOU  like a piece of chess on a gameboard. Take your ball and go home. Game over! That will make him madder than a hornet, but you are not going to let him push you around any more and bully  you. You say, “Enough is enough!” Stand up to your bully! #NOMORE!


Romans 12:21  Expanded Bible (EXB)
Do not let evil ·defeat [conquer; overcome] you, but ·defeat [conquer; overcome] evil by doing good.

How do we defeat evil?  By doing good!

Do the opposite! Make it a game, a challenge, a see how many points you score. I did this with a boss I had and completely transformed the whole atmosphere in the office. She had been hurt by men  in her life and was very bitter, lonely, defensive and sharp with her words. She was negative and a grouch to be around. I made it my mission to love her and be nice to her. She clearly needed some love and kindness. In my mind’s eye I would cut her head off and replace it with the devil’s head. Every time she would say something cutting, I would just smile and be nice… thinking, “Oh no devil, this isn’t going to work. You are not going to make me bite. You lose!” I kept this up day after day. Little by little, her heart was totally melted with God’s love. She gave me a big hug every morning, and bought breakfast for the whole office every Friday.

Love works, every time!

So I challenge you, overcome evil with good this week! See beyond the surface. Dive a little deeper to the “root” of the problem. Help someone who doesn’t even know they need help. Show them love today, God’s love. It works every time, and you will shut down the devil’s game in the process…homerun!


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