
Stages of Spirit Development

  1. New Beginnings (0-5)
  2. Childhood (6-12)
  3. Adolescence (13-20)
  4. Young Adulthood (21-40)
  5. Mature Adulthood (41+)

Benefits of Spiritual Exercise & Growth

  • Brings things into focus by having a spiritual growth plan and growing on purpose.
  • Become aware of wrong thought patterns and are able to cut them off so they don’t take root in your heart, and turn into bad habits and wrongful actions.
  • Are able to manage your emotions instead of letting them control you.
  • Are aware of your actions and have mindful responses, instead of just reacting without thinking.
  • Realize the enemy of your Soul’s strategies and not fall for his tricks.
  • Feel empowered because you know who you are in Christ and know how to access what He has freely provided for you.
  • Your Soul will no longer block God’s provision from coming through, from your Spirit to your Body (outside realm).
  • Your life will become calm and peaceful, instead of frustrating and chaotic.
  • Have joy in any circumstance because you know the outcome.
  • You know how to move forward in faith (Put it in Drive), instead of spinning your wheels of worry going no-where (Neutral), or backing up in fear (Reverse). You know how to drive your life.
  • You know the Truth, and it has set you free. You are not ignorant any longer.

You will never want to go back to your old way of doing things. God’s ways are much better. Get started today!

Training Sessions

The main thing is to have FUN! This program is all about you, helping you to grow up and biggie-size the inside, so you can “Biggie-size” your outside life. We will have coaching sessions, drills, Q & A’s, games, pictures, videos, and yes – tests and homework. The homework is to keep your mind focused on what you are supposed to be learning; and the tests are to see if you actually learned it so you can be promoted to the next level. So don’t sweat it, just pay attention and have fun while you are learning and growing.

  1. Growth Series
  2. Targeted Workouts

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