Time Change… It’s Time for a Change!

Most of us are creatures of habit and we fight change. We get settled into our routines and don’t have to think about it, so it’s comfortable and we like it. We tend to shy away from anything hard or laborious. Reading instructions and learning how to do something new is “laborious” so we run the other way or make excuses not to do something. There are some people however, who thrive in adversity and love being challenged. I also think the older we get it is just much easier to settle.

But have you ever thought of it this way, that if you decide to settle, then you are stuck and not going anywhere? Then you will be complaining and wondering why you are stuck in a rut and nothing is happening. The answer is YOU are the problem! You have dug your heels in and refused to change. Whether you gave the age-old excuse of “It’s just too hard, I’m too young and don’t know how, I’m too old and tired, I wouldn’t know where to start, I don’t have enough money, or Now is not the time, etc.” the fact is that until YOU move… YOU are not going anywhere!

I know that may seem a little simple, yet profound at the same time. Think about that for a minute… what is it that you have been putting off, or want to change, or what area do you feel stuck in? Think about it and write it down.

  • Do you want to lose weight, and get healthy and fit?
  • Do you want to get a better job or start a business?
  • Do you want to do some remodeling around the house?
  • Do you want to restore your relationship with your spouse or children?
  • Do you want to be free on the inside from hurt, abuse, fear, anxiety, depression, etc.?
  • Do you want to get out of debt?
  • Do you want to be able to manage your emotions, instead of them managing you?

Nothing Changes Until You Do!

Just like if we are on vacation and driving in the wrong direction, if we do not turn the steering wheel and head in the right direction, we will never get to our desired destination. It’s the same in life, if we want to get out of debt, we have to quit spending and start paying down our debts instead of making new ones. It’s the same way in any area, we have to get a plan of attack once we identify the problem, and then keep taking steps in that direction and don’t stop. Just like driving, make a brief rest stop, then get in the car and go again. Like trying to lose weight, give yourself a little break when you reach certain milestones to celebrate your wins, then get back in the car and keep driving until you reach your ideal weight and look fit and fab!

The Process of Change

What I want to focus on in this article is the process of change. Most of us know what the word change means: to make the form, nature, content, course, etc. different from what it is or would be if left alone; to become different, altered or modified, or transformed. (dictionary.com) It could either be change for good or change for bad.

When you haven’t seen a child in ten years, you almost don’t recognize them the next time you see them because they have changed so much, right? So you could say “Change is Growth” and growth happens in small increments… so small you can’t see someone grow if you stand there and watch them, but only after it has been a while can you notice any change.

Inner Growth or Change happens the same way in our lives. It seems to happen so slowly we sometimes get discouraged thinking that nothing has changed, when in reality a lot has changed from a year ago or 5 years ago… if you made a few changes along the way. If you are exactly where you were 5 years ago, then maybe you have not made any changes in your daily routine. You are doing the same thing, so you get the same results.

The Power of One

This is where I want to drill down one more notch. How do you walk? One step at a time, correct? You don’t normally hop or skip down the sidewalk… you walk, taking one step with the left foot and then one step with the right foot. You find a steady gate and keep both feet moving fluently together. When we want to make changes in our lives, we have to keep doing something new and different again and again and again. Each time we consistently keep doing that same thing, adding it into our daily or weekly routine, it becomes a habit after a few weeks. Before you know it, we are doing it without even thinking. Why? Because we took one step intentionally, then focused and decided to take another step and do it again, and again, etc.

Consistency is the Key to Your Breakthrough!

That is called “Daily Disciplines.” When we hear the word discipline, it makes us cringe inside because we relate it to pain. But No Pain, No Gain, right? If we want the perks we’ve got to do the work! Like a mother only focusing on her baby, not on labor and delivery. Focusing on the reward not the work or cost, helps us make it through the pain. It IS worth it, and we will be able to see the reward for our effort soon. That is what keeps us going!

One Wrong Step…

I also want to end with a word of Caution: “One Wrong Move Could Kill You!” The devil knows how to play this game too, and he is also fishing for men (just like Jesus). In the same way you keep taking one positive step in the right direction, if the devil can entice you to just take one look, one sip, one taste, one affair, one lie, steal one time, etc., you most likely will do it again and keep taking steps in the wrong direction! Like the old song says, “Just one look, that’s all it took,” you’re hooked! When (not if) the devil tempts you, it will be something you like or desire, otherwise it wouldn’t “lure” you. Don’t go in for a closer look… steer clear! Run the other way, so you don’t get caught and taken off course, never making it to your desired destination. Work smarter, not harder. Make it easier on yourself and just say No thank you!

Use the Power of One for Good and Not for Evil, and you’ll be glad you did!