How Flexible Are You?



Sometimes in life, things come up and we have to change on a dime. You know what I mean. You had it all planned out, then everything fell apart at the last minute. What is your reaction or response?

  • Do you get mad and throw a tantrum?
  • Do you fall apart, then you can’t think at all, much less figure out what to do?
  • Do you stop and think, analyze the situation, then try to figure out a Plan B?
  • Are you cool as a cucumber and say, no problem, let’s go with the flow, it will all work out?

Which reaction best describes you? We all have different personalities and ways of dealing with things, but whatever way we decide to deal with it, we should be getting better at handling those type of situations whenever they arise. I use the word “whenever” because they will arise, I guarantee you!

I must admit, this is one of my areas of improvement I am working on because I am a planner. I like to schedule things and like to lay everything out: step 1, step 2, step 3, etc. If I am given a task, I start on it immediately because I don’t want to be caught short and not have it done in case life gets in the way. I like things to be done right and don’t want to be rushed because I am so detail-oriented and need processing time. So you can see why this one throws me for a loop. Like the picture, sometimes I have to bend over backwards to accommodate the situation. I don’t mind changes, but it’s the last-minute changes that I am learning to handle properly.

I remember going through the same process when I was learning patience. You will have one “opportunity” after another to “practice!” That’s the good thing; there is always another opportunity to get it right. Practice makes perfect. I am not perfect, but being perfected. I have done well in changing my outward response, but I am still working on my inward response. I had a situation recently where I was just fuming on the inside, even though on the outside I was nice and cordial. The Spirit (rider) said, “I’m in here and I don’t want to hear to it. Put a bridle on it!” Of course that got my attention. I had to pull back on my emotions and say to my Soul (wild stallion), “Whoa boy, now settle down!”

  • Let me use the example if you are driving in traffic and someone cuts you off, do you have to make an immediate adjustment? Yes.
  • Was it your fault that you had to change your plan of action? No.
  • Could you help it or do anything about it? No, the only thing you can do is to avoid it.
  • That is good, defensive driving.

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Grow up and learn how to play ball!

We can’t be too rigid and stiff because we will break. Like a palm tree, we need to flow back and forth with the wind. It may blow us but it won’t break us. Don’t let life break you. It also helps to be liquored up with the oil of the Spirit, the new wine, spending time soaking up God’s presence like a dry sponge. I can always tell when I need to spend a little extra time in God’s presence. He puts everything into perspective for you and washes all your cares away. An old wine skin will crack because it is dry and crusty, but a new wine skin will easily give when expanded. Someone who is intoxicated is loose as a goose. So if you need to loosen up a little, take a little extra time and drink up. You’ll be glad you did, and so will everyone else!

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