React or Respond?

Fired Up!

Fired Up!

When something happens to you, do you respond or react… or overreact? Sometimes things happen that “tick you off” or “fire you up.” It could be anything from getting stuck in traffic, to standing in the slow line at the store, or someone just saying something the wrong way. You know what I mean. Your “Self” just gets the best of you and you blew it! Later you feel bad about losing your cool, and vow to do better next time. When next time rolls around, around and around you go, following the same pattern again and again. How do you take control of your Self? How do you tame him down and make him respond properly instead of over-reacting?

All of us are dealing with different issues and go through various phases in our life: health issues, job loss or a stressful job, marital issues, money problems, hormonal issues, etc. Sometimes you may be keeping it together better than others. None of us are perfect and should be making progress, at least better than the last time. If you have trouble with your temper or anger and keep having “flare ups” here are a few tricks that might help you practice “temperance” and keep a level head instead of blowing your top. (Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:23)

You want to STOP and THINK first! Analyze the situation so you can make an intelligent conscious decision, instead of an unconscious stupid mistake. Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Can I do something about this situation? This is your “Can-Do.” If you can do something about it, what can you do, and then do it. If you cannot, just chill!
  2. In the Big Picture of things, does it really matter? Will it matter in 5 or 10 years, or is this life threatening? If it is, what action do I need to take immediately? If not, suck it up and shut up!
  3. Am I Reacting or Responding? Is it controlled or uncontrolled? Have I thought this through first?

A response is controlled. A reaction is uncontrolled and impulsive, just following your instincts like an animal does. Your Self or Soul (Mind, Will, and Emotions) is your lower nature and is the beast in you, or your horse (horsepower). He is just following his instincts…if you let him drive.

On the other hand, if your Spirit which is your rider, grabbed the reins and pulled him back into line, he would not be able to run away from you without your permission, taking you on a wild ride. You have trained your horse to only respond after he gets direction from you, the rider. Until he gets direction, he is supposed to WAIT!

So the next time your horse (Self) wants to step out of line, pull back on the reins and show him who’s the boss! Your Spirit is in charge here and you’re not going on a wild goose chase…not today.

Stop & Think FIrst!

Stop & Think First!





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